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Oven Temperature  Conversion  Charts | Printable Version

What  is  so complicated  about  oven temperature?  Doesn’t 350° F  measured in Boston  or  Dubai or  Sydney  stay  the  same .  While  that is  true  the  game  changes  when you decide  to  travel  a  few  thousand  miles  (often times  even less) and    get  homesick ,  decide  to  make  your  favorite  fruit pie / tart/  roast , and  goes to  pre-heat  the oven.   It  looks  like a  working   oven , but  speaks  a  different  language –  who thought   heating  an oven  can  be  complicated !

Looking  for the   chart ?  Click here .

Oven Temperature Conversions

Imagine this  you  are  in  that  charming  cottage  in the  middle  of  nowhere,  enjoying  the   solitude  and at  dinner  time   goes  to  bake that  frozen  pizza  and  it  says – Gas Mark ??

This is  not  just a   traveler’s  dilemma ,  have you  tried   deciphering  an old  fashioned   recipe   and  wondered “They  really  wanted  to keep  this a  secret,  didn’t  they ! “.  If you  ever had  that perplexed / frustrated  feeling –   this  is  the  post  for  you.

And  technology has  recently added to the  confusion  with the   convection ovens  – these are  the  ones  with a  fan.  Remember  those  GE commercials  where   the  oven cooked  at light speed  and  you  had   enough time  to  make  the entire  thanksgiving  dinner  and  get  to the  game  with plenty of  time  to   spare ?

You DON’T !!!!  Well well  well  you are  lucky to be  so YOUNG !!!

Now  I am not   going  to   go into the   details  of  why there are  2 (in fact 3 , but  in cooking  you won’t  encounter  the  3rd ,  at  least  for  now ) ,  scales  for  measuring  temperature.    The  fact  of  the  matter is   if  you  are  a  baker  chances  are you  have  had   to  convert  the   unit of temperature in  a  recipe  at least once.

The  main unit  of  temperature measurements  are  fahrenheit (°F) and  celsius  (°C).  Most of  the  world  measures  temperature in  celsius  units   while  US and a handful of  other  countries  continue  to use fahrenheit .   As  my oven  is  calibrated in  F  that is  the  most  common measurement  I use , but  many of  my  readers   follow  the  metric  system.  So  often  times  I find  myself   giving   both   measurements.

How  to Do I convert  F to C or  visa versa ?

Remember   middle school  science ?   I am pretty sure  many of  us  had  to  memorize  this  formula

C= (F – 32) X (5/9)  or

F   = C X (5/9) –  32

Where  C   is the  temperature in  celsius  and  F is  in  fahrenheit.

There is  a  quick  way   too –  just  type  f to c  in  google (or ask your  virtual  assistant  to  do that for  you)  and  a  handy dandy  calculator  will pop up.

Ok  but  my oven  says Gas Mark !

“What  the  heck is  that “-   these  were  my  actual   thoughts when I  encountered  it  the  first  time.   C   I understood , F  I  lived  with , but  Mark ?  that  too  with Gas ??  No no no no no no !

Many of  us did  not   start  our  culinary  journeys  with  appliances  marked   this  way.  So it  took a  little  bit  of  digging. Here is  what  I understood. Apparently  gas  marks   referred to the calibrations on the  oven  control knob .   These are  in  steps of  25°F (obviously pre- metric  era )  with  Mark 1  starting  at 275°F .   I am  not  going  to  go into the  details  of  how  to   convert these  to  C  or  F .  Just  refer  to the  table  below  for   the most  common temperatures  you encounter in baking.

Fan or Convection –  Can   There  Be More Confusion ?

The  fan  or  the  convection  ovens  came into  the  home  kitchens   fairly recently.   It is  in  fact  your  conventional oven  with a  fan that  forces  the  air  in the  heating  chamber  to    circulate faster.   This  maintains  heat  evenly inside   reducing common problems  like  hot  spots.  As a  result  food cooks  faster.

When converting a  regular  recipe   to a  convection oven  recipe  it  gets a  little  trickier.  So  these are  just  guidelines . Here are  your options –  one  to   leave the  recipe  temperature as is  and   reduce  cooking  time or  reduce  the  temperature and  cook for the  time  mentioned in the  recipe.

In short if the  recipe  is written  for conventional  oven   reduce

  • the  Temperature 25 to 30 °F    or by  15 to 20 °C and  cook for  the  same  time
  • or
  • the  cook time  by 25  % if  measuring in F  or  30 %  if  measuring  in C .

There are  some   who  reduce  both  as  well.  But as  a  standard  I try to  change  the  temperature  and  leave  the  time as  is.

 Too   much to  remember ?  Here is a  handy dandy  reference  chart  –

F F (Fan) C C(Fan) Gas Mark   General Terms
250 225 130 110 ½ Very  Cool/ Very Slow
275 250 140 120 1 Very Cool/ Slow
300 275 150 130 2 Cool/ Slow
325 300 165 145 3 Very Moderate/ Warm
350 325 175 155 4 Moderate
375 350 190 170 5 Moderate
400 375 200 180 6 Moderately Hot
425 400 220 200 7 Hot
450 425 230 210 8 Hot
475 475 245 225 9 Hot / Very Hot
500 475 260 240 10 Very Hot


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Note :

  1. The  figures  are   rounded  to  nearest 5 or  10s  for  ease  of  use.
  2. Where  digital    temperature  settings  are  not  possible  usually the  temperature is  rounded  up to the  nearest 10 –  ex. 165 °F  will be   set at 170° F.
  3. Convection temperatures are  approximated   keeping  the  original  cooking  time  in mind.



John Thyden

Friday 16th of April 2021

I'm trying to bake two items. One should be baked @ 300, the other @ 350. I have two convection ovens so I could just use both of them. If I wanted to use only one, how would I go about computing the time required to bake the one that usually takes 350, but us