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Curry In a Hurry – Easiest Thai Red Curry With Chicken

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I love Thai food !  It is  not  surprising  as  many of  the  Thai flavors  were  the ones I grew up with.   Rice, spice  and  coconut  were  part of   our  daily diet.  The  Thai   red  curry   with  shrimp reminds  me  of  the   fiery red  fish  curry  – two very  different  curries made  with  coconut , chilies  and  seafood.   Both  are yum and  delicious !!!

Easy Thai Red Curry With Chicken

Truth is  often times home made Thai food is restricted to pad thai or thai chicken  noodle soup. The   reason is  simple  these  2  are  absolutely delicious  and   my kids  favorites  and  on busy  weeks their  bellies  often  rule  the   kitchen.

Coming  back  to  the  red   curry,  I remember   our  first  foray into Thai food.  To us  the spice  scale  of  1 to 10  seemed   quite   tame, after all  where   we   had  navigated ‘gun powder’  and   ’40 chili chutney’ quite successfully.  So  AJ  confidently told  our  waiter  “Make it 10” ! .  The  polite  waiter   gave us  another  chance  to   get  out  of  it , but  we  were too  naive … Suffice   to say that  we  burned for the next 10 days !

Lesson learnt, but  not  quite !   We occasionally venture  to an  8 or  9   when in an   extremely adventurous  mood  but  usually sticks  to a  tame  5 or  lower.  Often  times  I wonder  how  Adam Richmond’s  insides survived.  The point  is  go for a  mild  curry paste.

About  the  curry paste –  no , I do not  make  red curry paste  from  scratch.  Many of  the  ingredients  are not  available  in the markets  here.  I am  guilty of  reaching  for prepackaged   and   I like  the   red curry paste  by Thai Kitchen.  I have come  across  other brands  in the  Asian  markets, but  there is a  reason  why I prefer  this . It is  vegan.  Which is  good  for me   especially when  we are  entertaining  vegetarian/vegan  friends.

With a  jar  of  curry paste in the pantry it  is   quite   easy to  make a  delicious  dinner  in  under  30 minutes.   Usually  a  small jar  is  good  for  2  dinners   in our  home .  You can  make this  vegetarian ,  vegan , or  add  your  favorite  meat  or  seafood  to it.

Easy Thai Red Curry With Chicken

This   curry  is  one  of  the  easiest –   no  need  to  hunt  for  fresh lemon grass or  kafir  lime  leaves in this  one.  But  the  Thai flavors  are   very  much  there.  The  curry paste  packs   such a  punch, you would  not  miss  the  extra  flavorings.

To me  fish  sauce  is an  integral part of  the  Thai flavors. You only   need a  dash of  it , but  if  that is  not   something  you like, feel  free to leave  it out.

On a  side  note I there are  no green  veggies  in this – some  crazy part  of  my brain kept  blurting  out “keep it  red , keep it  red”.  And  honestly it   tasted  grate  without  green!   That  being  said  some  fresh spinach or  snow  peas  would  have  been  lovely here as  well!

Easy Thai Red Curry With Chicken

Thai Red Curry With Chicken

By Syama
This  delicious  Thai  red  curry is  the  easiest  t make. It  all comes together in under  30  minutes  that  too in  a skillet !  The  flavors  of  coconut  milk and  spices are perfect  to be  served with  a  bowl of steamed  rice! 
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Thai
Servings 4


  • 1/2 lb Chicken Breast Boneless, Skinless
  • 2 Tbsp Red Curry Paste
  • 1 - 11/2 C Coconut Milk
  • 1 White Onion Small
  • 1 C Bell Pepper
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1 Tsp Fish Sauce Optional
  • 2 Tbsp Oil
  • Cilantro/Thai basil
  • Salt

Rice or Crusty Bread - To Serve



  • Cut the  chicken into  bite size pieces.  Dice  the  onions  and  bell pepper into  1 inch squares  and   cut the  tomato into 8 pieces.


  • Heat oil in a  skillet.   When  hot add the  spice paste  and stir  fry for  about a  minute.  Add 1 C  coconut milk and  cook over  low  heat  until  it  begins  to simmer  and the  oil  raises  up to the  top.
  • Add  the   meat , cover  and  cook for  about 5 minutes.
  • Remove the  lid  and  check if  the   meat is  done .  If needed cook for additional 2  minutes. 
  • Add the  remaining   coconut milk to  taste.  Stir in the  fish  sauce, if using.  Stir  and  add  the  vegetables. Cover  and  bring   it  back to a  low  boil  .  Turn  off  the heat.  
  • Let  it  mellow  for 5  to 10 minutes  before  serving. 


  • You could  substitute  milk  for  coconut milk.
  • Boneless skinless  chicken  breasts  or  jumbo shrimp are  best for  this  curry.
  • Other  vegetables  that  works  well here are - snow peas, button mushrooms, sliced carrots ,  water chestnuts,  and  fresh spinach.

Important: Nutrition Values are estimates. Actuals vary based on ingredients and serving size.

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Easy Thai Red Curry With Chicken

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